I Am Display is a light installation that plays with the perceptions of its audience. It explores the equilibrium between our senses, our bodies and our surroundings.

There is a sense of inverted communication between man and this man-made machine. It is bigger than our huge screens. It is higher than us and longer than our cars. And instead of doing what we tell it to do, this display does something with us. The viewer experiences a confrontation with a light display. If the display could speak, every word it says would be shouted.

A handmade object with handmade electronics, I Am Display measures 2,5 m x 13 m and consists of 182 fluorescent tube lights, delivering 10.000 watts of pure experience.

The I AM Display project was born as a collaboration among Valentin Heun, Pippin Wigglesworth, Gijs Burgmeijer, Simon Kowalewski, Sagarika Sundaram, Jessica Altenburger and Jay Cousins during the Palomar 5 residency towards the end of 2009 in Berlin.

The Display has been exhibited at the Transmediale Berlin, Pure Data Convention Berlin and in the Beta Haus Berlin.

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