Today’s GUIs are made for small screens with little information shown. Real-time data that goes beyond one small screen needs to be continuously scanned with our eyes in order to create an abstract model of it in one’s mind. GUIs therefore do not work with huge amounts of data. The Perifoveal Display takes this abstraction from the user and visualizes it in a way that the full range of vision can be used for data monitoring. This can be realized by taking care of the different visual systems in our eye. Our vision has a field of view from about 120°, which is highly sensitive for motion. 6° of our vision is very slow but complex enough to read text.
Heun, Valentin, Anette von Kapri, and Pattie Maes. “Perifoveal display: combining foveal and peripheral vision in one visualization.” Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. ACM, 2012.
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