A wonderful Story is taken to a next level at Minute 2:45

Amazing telepresence work by Shunichi Kasahara from Sony CSL

Cool Robotic

Pure Vision in Display Interaction

inFORM – Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display from Tangible Media Group on Vimeo.

All about Motion Control

Box from Bot & Dolly on Vimeo.


Jacob Tonski, Balance from Within (2010-2013) from STUDIO for Creative Inquiry on Vimeo.

A life without a Mobile Phone!

Trafo Pop – Wearable Street Credits

Jay Silver amazing Talk about Creativity

Interaction with Projections

Lamps: 24 Rules for smart light from BERG on Vimeo.


Lamps: Dumb things, smart light from BERG on Vimeo.


Lamps: Fiducial switch from BERG on Vimeo.


Lamps: Projection materials from BERG on Vimeo.


Lamps Sketch 09: Media on media from BERG on Vimeo.